3 Reasons To See a Dentist Today

Image of smiling patient looking at camera at the dentists
Do you have a toothache? If so, it might be time to see your dentist. Dental health is just as important as the other aspects of your health, and neglecting it can lead to serious problems down the road. Seeing a dentist for even one check-up each year goes a long way in preventing pain or other issues from developing into bigger problems that are harder to fix. Below are three reasons why you should see a dentist today.
- Pain
You may not know exactly what’s causing your pain, but you can tell when something is wrong. People often try to ignore their symptoms or think they’re normal because they’ve never experienced anything like them before.
The cause of the pain could be anything from sensitivity from drinking hot or cold liquids to a toothache.
- Gum Problems
You might not always experience extreme pain when you have something going on in your mouth, so keep a lookout for anything abnormal going on. Things to watch out for include excessively bleeding gums when you brush or floss, inflamed gums caused by things like gingivitis, or any spots on your gums.
Don’t let getting checked out pass you by. A Happy Valley family dentistry expert can detect gum problems, which can be a sign of something wrong going on in the rest of your body. It’s better to get your teeth looked at right away.
- Dry Mouth
Many different things can cause dry mouth, and most of the time, it turns out to be something simple like the cause of using certain medications. Untreated dry mouth can lead to bad breath and tooth decay due to a lack of saliva in the oral cavity during brushing or flossing.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to keep up with regular visits. This way, if any issues start to develop, they’ll be caught early on before other problems arise later down the line.