Workers’ Compensation: When Should You Consult an Attorney?

If you become sick or injured while doing your job, you have the right to file for workers’ compensation benefits. The process should be simple, but unfortunately, it can be difficult at times. If you are having issues obtaining the money that you are rightfully owed after a work-related injury or illness, there are professionals who are willing and eager to help you.
Not sure if seeking legal assistance is the right move for you? Here are three signs that you should consult with an Iowa workers compensation attorney.
- Your Employer Ignores Your Claim
Employers are legally obligated to file a First Report of Injury (FROI) with the state Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) under three circumstances: first, if an injury results in death; second, if an injury results in permanent disability; and third, if an injury causes the affected employee to miss more than three days of work.
If your employer either ignores your claim completely or fails to file the necessary paperwork with the DWC, you may need to sue them to get what you are owed. An attorney can help you during this process, especially if you work for a large corporate entity that may attempt to suppress your claim.
- Your Legitimate Claim Is Denied
There are various reasons why your workers’ compensation claim might be denied. For example, if your injury occurred while you were inebriated or under the influence of illegal substances, you likely will receive no benefits. If you failed to report your injury in time, did not seek medical attention, or were on your break during the injury-related incident, your claim may be denied.
Unfortunately, as a ploy to save themselves money, some employers and insurance companies regularly dispute or deny legitimate workers’ compensation claims hoping that the applicants will give up after an initial rejection. If you feel that your legitimate claim has been denied, you should consult a lawyer to help you navigate the appeals process.
- Your Settlement Offer Seems Unfair
Sometimes, employers and their insurance companies make lowball offers to approved applicants during the settlement process. If you have received a settlement offer but feel as if the money will not fully cover your injury-related medical bills and lost wages, you should contact an attorney who can help you negotiate a fair deal. This is especially important if your injury requires continued care – and thus continued costs – over a long period of time.
Workers have rights; sometimes they need help asserting those rights and demanding the recompense they deserve. If your workers’ compensation claim has been ignored, denied, or is inadequate, contact an attorney today.