Addiction therapy services to help you overcome alcoholism

Many people suffer from alcohol dependencies which starts with one drink and can form quickly and aggressively on a person regardless of when one starts to drink. Alcoholism usually does not discriminate against people, affecting anyone regardless of gender, body type, age, or personal belief.
Supposing you or your loved one struggle to deal with an alcohol problem, help can be a phone call away. Try our alcohol abuse services, and you may benefit from the different types of behavioral therapies used to treat people suffering from alcoholism. Here are the different types of therapies you can benefit from to heal completely
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
This form of therapy was initially developed as a clinical method to help manage to deal with a mood disorder, is now widely used to handle patients suffering from alcohol disorder and other addiction problems. CBT works on the theory that people with addiction problems have specific patterns of thoughts, leading to certain behavior. The therapy method can be used to exhibit these negative emotions and thoughts and reduce them by instilling positive behavior change. This treatment can benefit an alcoholic patient to recover fully.
The techniques used in CBT will help a person reduce alcohol substance abuse, avoid relapse and manage the alcohol craving. During the session, you will be assisted by a professional examining your thoughts, discussing them, and talking about them in length on situations that led to the abuse, places, and people to avoid. You will learn skills that will help you deal with the craving effect and situation to avoid that may lead to relapse.
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
This type of therapy is used to help a patient deal with substance abuse by helping them handle the painful experiences in their lives which lead them to seek refuge in alcohol abuse. Therefore, an individual will be assisted to learn and know how to accept the unavoidable pain their experience in life. This therapy aims to bring change and acceptance to a person who needs help.
The therapy is conducted with a specialist in counseling sessions, telephone sessions, or group therapy. The affected person will be assisted in reducing the use of substances, handling the discomfort that comes due to withdrawal, avoiding triggers that may lead to going back to substance abuse, managing cravings, and encouraging positive behavior that will lead to healthy living.
Motivational interviewing
Motivational interviewing aims to help an individual in engagement activities that will lead to the recovery process and reduce alcohol abuse. Its main goal is to bring change to a person, and it can be used alone or with other therapy activities to an individual or in a group session.
During a motivational session, a therapist will encourage participants to examine the negative consequences that alcohol abuse brings in their lives. The focus will be on how to bring change by replacing negative triggers with positive ones. You will be helped explore the entire situation that alcoholism has put you through, how it is holding you back, and how you will recover. Any resistance opportunity will also be handled to help you move on to the road of recovery.