Synthetic Diamonds and The Progress of the Trend

The first synthetic diamonds often showed an unusual color of luminescence in the ranges of 365 and 254 nanometers and even, in some cases, phosphoresced. However, later stones created by advanced technologies already allow themselves such a slip. Today, it is possible to reliably distinguish between synthetic and natural diamonds only in the gemological laboratory.
True, everything is not so simple.
Inexpensive equipment operating on the principles of absorption and luminescent spectroscopy, now cannot give a one hundred percent, reliable answer about the nature of the origin of diamond. At the same time, new, thermos-active methods of analysis are not yet available to gemologists irradiated diamonds with different ranges of ultraviolet light.
Disadvantages of marketing lab produced Diamonds
It would be surprising if dishonest merchants did not take advantage of the situation. Today, most jewelry with small diamonds, collected mainly from synthetic stones. But to reveal this fact is extremely difficult and costly, both in time and in money. Most diamonds are cut in India, from where it enters the world’s jewelry workshops, including Russian ones. Is it necessary to say that synthetics are necessarily mixed in almost all bulk lots of small natural diamonds, in the so-called “packages”? The percentage of artificially grown stones in each package today reaches 40-60%. Now that you can have the Lab Diamond Engagement Rings, there are ample options for you to get the complete idea of which one to buy,
Production of Lab Diamond
The commercial production of synthetic diamonds has divided the jewelry world into two irreconcilable camps.
Representatives of the first advocate that the production of synthetic diamonds is a great blessing! Artificially grown diamonds do not harm the environment and are more “ethical” in essence, since synthetics do not use child or slave labor in mines, and the stones themselves do not serve as a means of payment for weapons and ammunition in military conflicts.
Proponents of natural diamonds claim that only natural stones are capable of maintaining value over time, since even overproduction of natural diamonds is not such a big disaster compared to unlimited production of synthetics. Proponents of nature also question the environmental safety of creating artificially grown diamonds, since the production of the latter still requires a large amount of electric energy, which is obtained mainly by burning petroleum products.
Positive or Negative Effect On Environment
It is really difficult to choose what does less harm to the environment. Digging a huge foundation pit and destroying the entire surrounding ecosystem or kilowatt-hours obtained due to air pollution.
Nevertheless, we all probably have to come to terms with the fact that the production of synthetics will develop and grow. Accordingly, prices for such stones will continue to fall. It is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish a natural stone from a man-made one every year. Honestly, today it is almost impossible to recognize the nature of the origin of small diamonds, the so-called “mele”, weighing less than 0.2 carats especially when such stones are already fixed in the jewelry.
As the distinction between natural and synthetic diamonds is becoming more and more difficult every year, some jewelry merchants simply ignore the problem, while others, honestly say: “Our jewelry ‘Lightbox’ contains only artificial stones!” Inexpensive handheld devices “screeners” are ineffective, and more sophisticated devices will cost jewelers tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the context of the ongoing crisis in the domestic jewelry industry, few are prepared for such costs.
Challenges Facing the Diamond Market
The past is not a predictor of the future. Also, devices that irradiated diamonds with different ranges of ultraviolet light were also ineffective.
All these factors lead to the fact that prices for natural diamonds have been falling for several years in a row, sometimes up to 10% per year. Extremely colored diamonds, the rarest of pink, red and blue shades, are getting more expensive. However, prices for these stones start at hundreds of thousands and reach a million dollars per carat. There is no talk about any mass market of colored diamonds in principle!
Finally, we come to a discussion of the main issue put forward in the heading. How to relate to synthetic diamonds? Should they be afraid and avoided? Or, maybe, on the contrary, you should build your business exclusively around synthetics? Everyone will have an answer to these questions.
Natural diamonds are well known and understood by the mass buyer.
They do not need some special, special marketing, but, on the other hand, they require significant efforts to accurately establish the nature of their origin. An inaccurate, careless examination today can lead to reputational and material losses tomorrow. Who knows, suddenly in a year or two handheld devices will appear that will easily distinguish natural stones from synthesized ones? What, then, will the jeweler say to his client, who brought back the item where most of the stones are artificial? Or, more importantly, what does this jeweler say in court in his defense?
Benefit of Selling Lab Diamond
Synthetic diamonds do not pose any reputational threats to jewelers, but the mass buyer will have to realize for a long time what constitutes an artificially grown stone. It’s extremely difficult for a person who is far from any science to understand: “So is it a real diamond or not?” Synthetic diamond marketing has only to begin to build, and will have to do it from scratch, maximally separating the markets for natural and artificial stones.
A beautiful approach was shown by Chinese synthetics sellers at an exhibition in Hong Kong. They said: “Imagine that they gave you a beautiful rose. The flower is perfect and very beautiful. Do you care how exactly this rose was grown? How important is it for you to know that this particular flower has grown in a fragrant garden in proud solitude, or in a greenhouse, with thousands of others like him? ” Of course, comparing diamonds with flowers is more poetry than practice. The cost of flowers and jewelry is not comparable, and the internal mechanisms of the markets do not have anything in common. On the other hand, building a new marketing strategy will have to start somewhere, and a romantic approach may not be a bad idea.