Go Get Your Borobudur Sunrise Package! It is Worth to Experience

Borobudur Temple has been like a must-visit destination at Jogja. Located in Magelang, Borobudur Temple is only 1.5 hours from a private/rented automobile from Jogja’s downtown. It is also known as the world’s largest Buddhist temple constructed in the 9th century.
Public Transportation to Borobudur is available. Borobudur temple is best seen at sunrise, once the air is fresh. Since the mist starts to lift, the sun climbs the surrounding volcanoes and terraced fields. It highlights the stone reliefs along with also the various faces of Buddha. Gazing Borobudur for the first time is frequently a deeply felt encounter.
A Glimpse of Borobudur History
According to the Karangtengah epigraph, King Samaratungga of this Sailendra Dynasty built Borobudur Temple but was finished across the 9th century, during the reign of his son, Queen Pramudawardhani.
So far there is no specific information about who the real architect behind the splendour of Borobudur temple is. Besides, the Borobudur temple was actually built from 2 million (55.000 m3) interconnected andesite plates arranged like a giant puzzle.
A Javanese legend told the story that Gunadarma whined consenting to Borobudur Temple and his own entire body became what was called Menoreh hills. Though there were not any authentic epigraphs stating this fact, Gunadarma was believed to be the architect of Borobudur Temple.
List of Facts about Borobudur Reliefs
You will be amazed to discover that Borobudur temple actually has 2762 reliefs in it. Even if this relief is laid out in a row it will reach a length of 6 kilometres.
The cool thing is, there is an interesting story behind the reliefs. Four stories represent the strokes on the reliefs of the Borobudur temple, such as Karmawibhangga, Lalitavistara, Jataka / Avadana, and Gandavyuha. Besides telling the story of Buddha’s life and teachings, the reliefs on the Borobudur Temple also record the progress that Javanese people found at that time.
To know the story sequence of the reliefs, visitors are required to perform the Pradaksina ritual. This ritual requires tourists to walk clockwise from the east gate. After reaching the starting point, they had to go up to the next floor. It was done several times until finally arriving at the top level of Borobudur Temple.
Choose the Borobudur Sunrise Package to Get a Different Experience
Borobudur Sunrise ticket delivers another experience where participants had been awarded a special pass to go into the monument early in the afternoon. Usually, it begins at approximately 04.30 am ahead of the routine open moment. It takes about 5 minutes walks into Borobudur temple out of Manohara. Morning in the Borobudur temple when the sun would look from the horizon and scenery is also still an educational experience! Here is the package detail :
Adult Price:
- Foreigner Visitor: IDR 500.000 per person
- Domestic Visitor / KITAS: IDR 370.000 per person
Student Price:
- Foreigner Visitor: IDR 400.000 per person
- Domestic Visitor / KITAS: IDR 280.000 per person
Children Price:
- Foreigner Visitor: IDR 250.000 per person (6 to 10 years old)
- Domestic Visitor / KITAS: IDR 185.000 per person (6 to 10 years old)
- Breakfast
- Souvenir
- Entrance to Borobudur Temple from 4.30 am (before public open time).
- Free of charge for children under six years old
The ticket counter is available beginning from 04.00 am. Prepare your copy of passport/identity card because it is an obligation to get Borobudur Sunrise enrollment. It would be recommended if you made it when buying the ticket, and free entry is allowed for kids below six-year-old. All costs displayed are for individuals and offered at Indonesia Rupiah, legal student card must find student cost. Everyone could purchase the ticket without any reservation.
Before you plan a trip to Borobudur Temple, be sure to read more about Borobudur and Indonesia by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.