5 Steps to Installing a Well on Your Property

Installing and maintaining a well on your property doesn’t need to be difficult. Follow these steps to ensure your well won’t run into any issues in the future.
Establishing a Well
Step 1: Enlist a Professional
With a project this technical, you must hire an expert to survey the area and propose solutions, at the very least. This will prevent many well repairs Fort Myers down the road.
Step 2: Pick a Spot and Drill
Work with your contractor to find the ideal spot on your property and drill through the dirt and rock to the water below.
Step 3: Install Casing and Screens
The casing is the long tube that will pull the water out of the ground, and the screen will be fixed to the bottom to filter out sediment and other foreign materials you don’t want in your drinking water.
Step 4: Clean It Up
Seal up the gap between the casing and the wall of the well with grout, and then use air or water to blast out any debris that may have gotten into the system. Make sure to cap it up so nothing gets in after the flush.
Step 5: Test the System
Add the pump to suck up water and a pressure tank, if you want, and test your new well. You’ll also want to test the quality of the water to see if you’ll need additional filtering before drinking.
Maintaining a Well
- Annual check-ups can detect contaminants or mechanical issues before they become a real problem.
- Have your water quality tested once a year but more if the residents keep falling ill with digestive-related cases.
- Keep hazardous materials a significant distance from your well system.
- Periodically check on the condition of your well cap.
- After 20 years, have a professional well driller shut down the well and drill a new one. Even a well that is properly cared for will deteriorate over time.
There are many benefits to having a private well on your property. Be sure to install it properly the first time so it will last you a long time.