3 Facts About Claims Adjusters

Claims adjusters play an important role in the process for many different types of insurance claims. Here are three facts about claims adjusters.
- What They Do
A claims adjuster determines the amount of money an insurance company will need to pay for losses incurred due to personal injury or property damage. The way this is done is by researching the incident and collecting information. The claims adjuster may inspect the property, interview those involved, take photographs, interview experts and review police reports and other resources
- How To Work With Them
There are a few different ways to work with claims adjusters. The most common interaction is very minimal, as the claims adjuster will likely be employed by your insurance provider. How directly he or she will work with you will depend on the type of damage and the type of research he or she needs to do. Remember that he or she should have your financial interests in mind.
- What Happens If The Claim Is Contested
If this occurs, the claim may go to court, which means the claims adjuster will need to work with others, typically expert witnesses and attorneys, to defend the position of the insurance provider. If you’re concerned about contesting a claim, you may want to do your own due diligence. Collect your own records of the incident, such as photographs and a copy of the police report, and get an independent estimate of repairs or replacement done. You can do this yourself or by hiring an independent or public claims adjuster.
Depending on the type of insurance you have, how much damage was caused and how it was caused, you may or may not deal with a claims adjuster face-to-face. Whether you interact with a public claims adjuster, a company-employed one or an independent one will also depend on many factors.